The Seattle Startup Crawl Fights Poverty, September 28th at 5pm. RSVP NOW!

Hey Seattle, it’s that time again!

Here’s your chance to mix Seattle startup life, a little food and drink with an opportunity to help fight developing world poverty. This year’s Startup Crawl has partnered with local non-profit startup Vittana in support of their vision to break the cycle of poverty by facilitating micro-loans to students in developing countries.  Host venues will graciously provide alcohol (and non-alcoholic) drinks as well as tasty snacks and a damn good time for us attendees.  All I ask: How much good can we do in one night as a Seattle startup community?

In lieu of an entry fee we ask you choose to donate any amount you feel appropriate should you decide to have any food or drink.  Even a $25 donation can go a long way!  You may do this upon registration or during the event with Seconds, our local Seattle startup providing mobile payments.  ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE NIGHT WILL GO TO VITTANA.

The event will be in the form of a progressive party, with each host providing their choice of snack/beverages.  We will start at approximately 5pm with SEOmoz as the first host venue.  After an hour or so the group will move on to HasOffers and finishing out the night at Vittana.   Thanks in advance to our host startups, it should be one heckofa night and a great opportunity to check out your digs!

Note: last year this event sold out so you better jump on the train now!


Date: Friday, September 28th

Time: 5pm and later

Cost: Free entry, but we encourage donations if you want to drink 🙂

Stop 1: SEOmoz – 5pm

119 Pine St., Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98101

Stop 2: HasOffers – 6pm


Stop 3: Vittana – 7:30pm

617 Eastlake Avenue #203
Seattle, WA 98109


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  1. That’s a lot of (presumed) drinking for as far apart as those venues are. Are you organizing any transportation for folks between venues to encourage sober transport? Might want consider talking to Uber and seeing if they’re down to help – they’re quite nice about things like this.


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