33 And…. Awesome

Today is my 33rd birthday and I’m doing awesome.

A year ago I was in quite a different situation.  I couldn’t afford rent and was basically homeless.  I ended up moving into my sisters place (then an apartment) with her in her family, which includes 3 boys.  That’s not even the worst of it given it was an hour ferry ride plus another 45 minutes ONE WAY to get downtown Seattle.   I would make that trip each and every day into the office to meet with my team and work on building Seconds.  Needless to say I was tired, broke and fighting off depression from not achieving what I had intended with my startup.

It’s in those days you question your sanity.

There were days I couldn’t afford the $7 ferry ride and I was forced to stay in town and work from home (or go to Starbucks and be that guy… if you know what I mean.)   I am so appreciative of my sister and her husband for taking me in and supporting me.  I was not in a good place, for sure.

But life moves on and things change.

Earlier this spring I was able to land a contract gig with a company, doing part time biz dev and strategic consulting while I still work on Seconds and other projects.  This has allowed me to get back on my feet and get my own place once again.  Below is my view of my new place overlooking Lake Union in Seattle.

Not bad, eh?

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During my morning run today I pondered my birthday.  I thought, “I’m turning 33 but really I feel 23.”  I can pretty much tackle the same workouts and physical challenges that I was doing back 10 years ago.  Health is really important to me, and to be able to say that I feel 10 years younger makes me proud to have been so diligent in keeping my health and fitness standards as I grow older and become more of a “professional, executive, founder” or whatever description you want to use.  Most people fall off that wagon…

I am also excited as to where my road is heading now and the new projects I am embarking on.  I really feel the gears are finally  clicking into place.  Seconds did not produce the outcome I had initially intended, but in fact that is very reason we started Founders RAW, and why people are attracted to it.  So I guess things really DO happen for a reason!

A strange thing happens as you enter your 30’s – people naturally start taking you more seriously.  Well, maybe it’s just my gray hair but I think you know what I mean.  People intuitively grasp you have been around long enough and (hopefully) mature enough to make wiser decisions, so they listen more intently and return your emails with more interest.  But yet at the same time you are also young enough to still connect and fit in with the 20 somethings, the ones still working out the kinks of their adulthood.  I still love to have a good time so I am in great company there!

Below is a picture of a friend and me out last Friday celebrating our birthdays.

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The dichotomy between Aug 2012 and Aug 2013 is so drastic I am probably not doing it any justice in this post.  Given the day I don’t want to go there… That is for another time.

Suffice it to say on my 33rd, I am doing quite well – finally!


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  1. I can relate in so many ways Nick. Congrats and Happy Birthday!


  2. Happy belated Nick! The startup trenches are so deep we can lurk at best (low energy days) and look like we’re not there but we’re booting for you. Yup I can recall the story from a year ago and before from the top of my head, keep forging!


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